Transform your home and business office space with our high-quality painting and maintenance services. Direct Painting is a well established, professional painting and maintenance company operating across Melbourne & Victoria. Highly experienced and fully trained painters working in Melbourne, we work across a wide variety of properties. From office painting to residences, homes and commercial spaces.

Residential Painting

We specialize in providing our customers with prompt, neat and professional paint jobs at unbeatable rates.

Commercial Painting

Your commercial premises say a lot about your business. A smart, clean and bright appearance can make all the difference.

Exterior painting

While we specialize in providing interior painting service, we can complete exterior painting projects as well. Expect us to have the skills, experience, and equipment necessary to fulfill your job requirements promptly and professionally. We can confidently say that we can fulfill your project requirements on time.

Driveway Painting

Direct Painting exterior painting service provides driveway re-coating that will make your home’s first impression stand out.

We want you to be our next satisfied customeR

As painting company working in Melbourne, we always aim to deliver high customer satisfaction and impressive results. Consequently, we work in a way to improve the experience for all of our clients.

After a client gets in touch, we work hard to prepare a brief and understand your requirements and answer any preliminary questions you have.


We will provide you with the best services